Crystal Lyons
I am a sensory and pattern seeking human interested in the phenomenology of perception- the experience of experience. Through experimentation and play, I have gained a new understanding of how my body experiences time and space. My body knows itself. Through our temporal and spatial interactions, relationships, memories, thoughts and the way things appear, paradigms shift with the analysis of experience.
The key themes of my work are: Subjective embodiment, experience, movement, play, memory, paradox, social fabric, identity and neurodiversity.
Everything in the universe is interconnected- there is more that connects than divides us.
I use light, space, glass and perspex geometric objects, diffraction grating, LED and sunlight. I create installations, using photography, film and sound to document my experience.
BA (Hons) Fine Art, UCA, Canterbury, UK
MFA Fine Art Media, The Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London, UK
LUMINOSITY exhibition curator and editor of exhibition publication. Brewery Tap, UCA Project Space, Folkestone, UK
Conquest House, Canterbury, Kent.